Yeşilyurt Belediyespor livescores, fixtures and squads

Turkey Yeşilyurt Belediyespor

Yeşilyurt Belediyespor
Full name: Malatya Yeşilyurt Belediye Spor Kulübü
Foundation: 1985
City: Malatya
Country: Turkey

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No player photo
Y. Aslanargun
22 years old
Uğur Köprülü
U. Köprülü
32 years old
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D. Paşa
25 years old
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M. Aksoy
26 years old
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O. Aksu
21 years old
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B. Altıngök
29 years old
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Y. Aydin
22 years old
Mesut Ağgül
M. Ağgül
29 years old
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O. Fırat
40 years old
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Y. Gezici
31 years old
Ömer Yanık
Ö. Yanık
28 years old
Nizamettin Akgül
N. Akgül
28 years old
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H. Değer
27 years old
Semih Ekmen
S. Ekmen
31 years old
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F. Ergün
25 years old
Fatih Gürden
F. Gürden
26 years old
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O. Kaya
30 years old
Umut Pusat
U. Pusat
39 years old
Alperen Soysal
A. Soysal
22 years old
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B. Toker
30 years old
Mesut Uzun
M. Uzun
31 years old
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İ. Öztürk
25 years old
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S. Bozkurt
33 years old
Selim Dağ
S. Dağ
31 years old
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U. Gündoğdu
20 years old
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H. Salgırboyu
27 years old
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M. Özcanlı
36 years old
Abdulkadir Özdemir
A. Özdemir
30 years old

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