Eskişehirspor livescores, fixtures and squads

Turkey Eskişehirspor

Full name: Eskişehirspor Spor Kulübü
Foundation: 1965
City: Eskişehir
Country: Turkey

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Berkay Güzel
B. Güzel
25 years old
Rasim Mutlu
R. Mutlu
35 years old
No player photo
O. Barip
25 years old
No player photo
B. Bilen
24 years old
Oğuzhan Düzenli
O. Düzenli
33 years old
No player photo
A. Horasan
35 years old
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A. Okumuş
22 years old
Hüseyin Tokmak
H. Tokmak
31 years old
Cenk Özbey
C. Özbey
33 years old
Burçak Özkanca
B. Özkanca
32 years old
Erdin Üzer
E. Üzer
30 years old
Kerim Deler
K. Deler
30 years old
No player photo
Y. Demirci
25 years old
Murat Kara
M. Kara
33 years old
Sertaç Kayatekin
S. Kayatekin
28 years old
No player photo
O. Sarı
23 years old
Mert Yavuz
M. Yavuz
31 years old
No player photo
H. Yazğılı
29 years old
Gökhan Çamur
G. Çamur
26 years old
No player photo
H. Şen
19 years old
No player photo
U. Akpınar
34 years old
No player photo
C. Avcı
27 years old
No player photo
O. Gümüş
19 years old
No player photo
U. Semizoğlu
23 years old
Sefa Turan
S. Turan
33 years old
Necati Önal
N. Önal
28 years old
No player photo
E. Ortakcı
66 years old


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