Bartınspor livescores, fixtures and squads

Turkey Bartınspor

Full name: Bartın Spor Kulübü
Foundation: 1934
City: Bartın
Country: Turkey

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No player photo
M. Kaip
22 years old
Eren Olmuş
E. Olmuş
23 years old
No player photo
E. Çelik
20 years old
No player photo
T. Akdeniz
27 years old
No player photo
Ö. Atak
21 years old
No player photo
Y. Bayar
19 years old
Gürol Karataş
G. Karataş
31 years old
Murat Saykal
M. Saykal
29 years old
Emre Taşdemir
E. Taşdemir
22 years old
Şükrü Topal
Ş. Topal
33 years old
No player photo
A. Yavuz
27 years old
No player photo
O. Yıldırım
29 years old
No player photo
B. Çamurlu
29 years old
No player photo
A. Çetinkaya
25 years old
No player photo
S. Öztürk
27 years old
Kaan Akar
K. Akar
37 years old
Mahmut Altınkaya
M. Altınkaya
24 years old
No player photo
T. Amasyalı
26 years old
No player photo
Y. Bayram
29 years old
No player photo
U. Bilgin
26 years old
Sergen Ekinci
S. Ekinci
30 years old
Tezcan Gökmen
T. Gökmen
25 years old
No player photo
V. Gültek
20 years old
No player photo
S. Halvaci
22 years old
No player photo
M. Kumru
26 years old
Tahir Türker
T. Türker
36 years old
No player photo
Adem Yılmaz
28 years old
No player photo
Y. Çetindemir
51 years old
Miraç Ölmez
M. Ölmez
26 years old
No player photo
E. Akyıldız
31 years old
No player photo
A. Yoldaş
18 years old
Berkay Yüksel
B. Yüksel
35 years old
Enes Çavuş
E. Çavuş
28 years old
Çağlar Ayan
Ç. Ayan
41 years old

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